Posts Tagged ‘Childhood’

It wasn’t that normal random sneeze. Far from random when it was followed with two more sneeze and a irritating sniffle. Maaayn, I should have guessed from last night when I had the itchy throat!! Shocking!

HAYFEVER, nooooooo! It’s too early, right?! Well the weather has been surprisingly great – clear sky, warm sunny but a little chilly here and there – enough to take a hike in a tee, that’s for sure!

Haven’t checked the pollen count yet – I’m scared it might be nothing and find myself the odd one out again.

Use to have it real bad back in school. When we did sports on the grass, I remember one time my eyes swelled up so bad they looked like golf ball with slits! I was like “Are my eyes open?? I can see you, are they OK?! Why are you all backing away from me?” Everyone looked at me in disgust and acted as if I was contagious 😦
I couldn’t even shed a tear out of fear because it would sting! Ewwwwwww… My eyes where like…. so…. ewwww sticky.

Eye drops, at that time, I thought would be the death of my sight! They were so harsh – crazy how meds to soothe and protect you from infections could bring so much pain – 3 or 4 times a stinking day!!!

I learned to art of splash cold water on my eyes when they began to irritate, so that prevented that scenario from having a replay in life again! Phew! The only thing I had to deal with instead was the red eyes – I would look so evil and wouldn’t have a clue my eyes had turned colour. So obviously the reaction of the golf ball eyes was merely a practice run to the reactions to deal with when looking possessed with bright red eyes! The slightly puff bags under my eyes just topped it off like frosting!

The worst days of my life. Maybe that’s what drove me to love Winters – I don’t know – maybe. Never thought about it like that. Winter is my all time favourite season, hands down!

I’ve pretty much grown Hayfever out, I think. I have a couple of days when my eyes feel itchy, and my nose behaves like I’m coming down with a cold – sometimes even stuffy and unbearable at night –

but I take the ridiculously tiny pills once a day, plus a few Piriton when I feel it kicking in – which leaves me free to skip along through the meadows with a basket of flowers (so to speak) singing the”Sound of Music” at the top of my lunges! (Not really guys – come on! Look at the picture **shakes head)

I just pray my lil’ man doesn’t have to deal with it at all during his life… 🙂