Posts Tagged ‘St. Patrick’s Day’

I am so glad I don’t work in a bar right now. I use to – I desire to sometimes because I miss it, but it’s inconvenient for right now.

Working in a bar on St. Patrick’s Day was just as bad as working on a match day (sports)! Another excuse for people to drink and act real nonsensical! Sometimes funny, most of the time annoying and people looooooove to get overly friendly with the staff. Ha! It would be the only time we, staff, would get away with a few abusive fire-back words or a shove or five – Lovin’ it!

I remember the sad, very very sad “special” uniforms we had to put on – to represent of course with a smile! Most of the time it would be such a simple black tee with a green shamrock at the front, and maybe a Guinness promotion on the sleeve or the back. Never having enough of the right sizes, someone was always left drowning in one or trying to don a tighty! Smiles…. never me though. Everywhere I have worked, I’ve always got on really well with the boss – no not flirting! It just meant I got privileges and sneak-peeks when stuff esp. merchandise and new uniforms got delivered. I called dibs all the time 🙂

Oh, lets not forget the lame decorations or the HATS! NOOOOO THE HATS!!


  – They never looked good on me! We would get called out for not being a participant or a “team player” if we refused. Ugh!

It doesn’t seem to be so crazy so far – but it’s not night time yet…. I think people have lost the meaning to this day OR is it really all about getting drunk on bitters-Irish coffees-Baileys-Guinness, spitting out Irish slang and accents, wearing green, eating anything green, drinking anything green (don’t get me started on the Absinthe!),  not forgetting the terrible dancing – or should I say a load of mindless jumping and “ewwww”-type hugging?!

Like most religious celebrations/special days, the history is absent from the minds of most who celebrate them – Can’t fault them.

 I just gonna avoid the city tonight to not get sucked in and get chatted up by a random drunk guy – I don’t give out my number which is always tricky to explain lol!



              Happy St. Patrick’s Day all!