Archive for the ‘Experiences’ Category

Work n Not Much Play

Posted: November 29, 2009 in Experiences, Future, Life
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This week took so long to complete itself. I did my first HOUR at my placement last Monday. Really, it was only an hour. My new boss was late. I waited upto 30mins in the hallway, outside his office, while it felt like certain bypassers where working some strange looks in my direction. To entertain my time I listened to my mp3 and tweeted my playlist… I know, sad!
I decided to head back to reception where someone could give him a call or ask around but the number they had for him was a deadend. I had the sudden urge to just leave and put it down to the fact I was there early and waited so long blah blah blah but I knew that would fall back on me in some way. So I sucked it up and headed to my tutor’s office, hoping she was in that day, to let her know that I had waited. I knew what was going to happen – I knew she was gonna give him a call to see where he was. Apparently he was at a school having a meeting then got stuck in traffic. It was around 3ish at that point and he asked me to wait up for him… He would be an hour!
I was a tad bit annoyed about it all because I don’t think he took the responsibility side of it very well ,yet the waiting was OK as I got to help myself to the machine that gives out free coffee, the vendor that gives out free snacks, listen to some more music while day-dreaming about the new iPod waiting for me at home (I signed off for a package as I was heading out.)

Okay, this happened only moments ago…

We order some food online – something new for us but hey, it was promoted on the flyer and it’s straight-forward. We were told to wait around 30mins for the delivery so we waited – no problem there…

Got a call from the manager after waiting 50mins to say that the driver came and knocked, even called a few times (according to his supposed phone log on his mobile) and so went back to the store with our food. Apparently the policy states that if the buzzer doesn’t work they will call the contact number to get through to us. The buzzer in this place is the loudest thing ever! Can be heard in apartments next to us or across the hall  – I know this because I hear theirs all the time.

So the driver lied about ever buzzing us and we checked, there is nothing wrong with it. As the the phone calls, we saw one miss call and a message flashing. When we listened to it, it was nothing but someone hanging up. So whatever “multiple call” the driver was claiming, it must have been a fake. My theory is he called once, gave up so dialed the number without allowing it to ring while on the way back to complain.

When I called back to re-order and gave my address the guy said they are not dealing with orders from here again! WT….?!?!? I asked why and it’s because we didn’t answer to the “phone calls” and therefore wasted their food, time and petrol. And get this: WE CAN NEVER ORDER FROM THEM EVER AGAIN….NEVER!! Even if we put through an order and wait, the manager said it will not be delivered.

We tried explaining that we are not doing some prank and want our food, that we weren’t even going to complain for cold-ish food due to the fact that we missed that ONE call – but he rudely dismissed us on the phone and said it’s not gonna happen then hung up…

How the heck does that work?! I’m sitting amonsgt a handful of v.angry and v.hungry people right now who are ready to flip out!

It wasn’t that normal random sneeze. Far from random when it was followed with two more sneeze and a irritating sniffle. Maaayn, I should have guessed from last night when I had the itchy throat!! Shocking!

HAYFEVER, nooooooo! It’s too early, right?! Well the weather has been surprisingly great – clear sky, warm sunny but a little chilly here and there – enough to take a hike in a tee, that’s for sure!

Haven’t checked the pollen count yet – I’m scared it might be nothing and find myself the odd one out again.

Use to have it real bad back in school. When we did sports on the grass, I remember one time my eyes swelled up so bad they looked like golf ball with slits! I was like “Are my eyes open?? I can see you, are they OK?! Why are you all backing away from me?” Everyone looked at me in disgust and acted as if I was contagious 😦
I couldn’t even shed a tear out of fear because it would sting! Ewwwwwww… My eyes where like…. so…. ewwww sticky.

Eye drops, at that time, I thought would be the death of my sight! They were so harsh – crazy how meds to soothe and protect you from infections could bring so much pain – 3 or 4 times a stinking day!!!

I learned to art of splash cold water on my eyes when they began to irritate, so that prevented that scenario from having a replay in life again! Phew! The only thing I had to deal with instead was the red eyes – I would look so evil and wouldn’t have a clue my eyes had turned colour. So obviously the reaction of the golf ball eyes was merely a practice run to the reactions to deal with when looking possessed with bright red eyes! The slightly puff bags under my eyes just topped it off like frosting!

The worst days of my life. Maybe that’s what drove me to love Winters – I don’t know – maybe. Never thought about it like that. Winter is my all time favourite season, hands down!

I’ve pretty much grown Hayfever out, I think. I have a couple of days when my eyes feel itchy, and my nose behaves like I’m coming down with a cold – sometimes even stuffy and unbearable at night –

but I take the ridiculously tiny pills once a day, plus a few Piriton when I feel it kicking in – which leaves me free to skip along through the meadows with a basket of flowers (so to speak) singing the”Sound of Music” at the top of my lunges! (Not really guys – come on! Look at the picture **shakes head)

I just pray my lil’ man doesn’t have to deal with it at all during his life… 🙂

I am so glad I don’t work in a bar right now. I use to – I desire to sometimes because I miss it, but it’s inconvenient for right now.

Working in a bar on St. Patrick’s Day was just as bad as working on a match day (sports)! Another excuse for people to drink and act real nonsensical! Sometimes funny, most of the time annoying and people looooooove to get overly friendly with the staff. Ha! It would be the only time we, staff, would get away with a few abusive fire-back words or a shove or five – Lovin’ it!

I remember the sad, very very sad “special” uniforms we had to put on – to represent of course with a smile! Most of the time it would be such a simple black tee with a green shamrock at the front, and maybe a Guinness promotion on the sleeve or the back. Never having enough of the right sizes, someone was always left drowning in one or trying to don a tighty! Smiles…. never me though. Everywhere I have worked, I’ve always got on really well with the boss – no not flirting! It just meant I got privileges and sneak-peeks when stuff esp. merchandise and new uniforms got delivered. I called dibs all the time 🙂

Oh, lets not forget the lame decorations or the HATS! NOOOOO THE HATS!!


  – They never looked good on me! We would get called out for not being a participant or a “team player” if we refused. Ugh!

It doesn’t seem to be so crazy so far – but it’s not night time yet…. I think people have lost the meaning to this day OR is it really all about getting drunk on bitters-Irish coffees-Baileys-Guinness, spitting out Irish slang and accents, wearing green, eating anything green, drinking anything green (don’t get me started on the Absinthe!),  not forgetting the terrible dancing – or should I say a load of mindless jumping and “ewwww”-type hugging?!

Like most religious celebrations/special days, the history is absent from the minds of most who celebrate them – Can’t fault them.

 I just gonna avoid the city tonight to not get sucked in and get chatted up by a random drunk guy – I don’t give out my number which is always tricky to explain lol!



              Happy St. Patrick’s Day all!