Back 2 Business!

Posted: November 23, 2009 in Future, Life, People, Struggle

Now that I’m busy and doing stuff I finally have something to blog about! Whew!

Story so far goes some like…
I’m back at college now, doing a course in Business Administration. The plans I had set failed miserable and made me miserable w/ it! So I had to work w/ the “system” and do something, anything!
The course will at least help w/ getting a decent job next year (fingers crossed), then I can get started on bigger things.

Been real tough. Had to fight w/ myself and my ways b/c I really do take things hard when it comes to accepting alternatives to my own. That comes w/ me wasting so much time and energy bringing everything down just to suit my miserable, pessimistic self – I’m awesome at that!

However, God leads me through so many battle fields and, as much as I highlight the struggles, worse case scenarios, and whatnot, He puts up w/ it and never punishes me for my insults and disrespect of His works. That’s the tolerance I dream about having, trust me!

I’m enjoying the course now. Huge things have blossomed from this new direction, including being offered to be a PA for a Senior Director at my college after only a month and a half of showing what I’m capable of in my studies. Definitely huge! It’ll start out as a placement while I continue studying, yet, will help me tremendously if/when I further my education next year and it’ll also give a great reference in terms of experience. I’m looking to work on advancing myself by building a solid network while there – so butt kissing… here I come! Lol.

I’m thankful to finally get Shay into full-time daycare. The nursery loves him and he loves nursery. It sucks that I only get to spend up to 2hrs w/ him a day during the week. When it comes to the weekend I am so busy doing work that it’s frustrating as he needs my time and attention, but its so limited. Time management is something I’ve gotta master fast b/c I don’t want to allow these opportunities if it means an important area in my life suffers.

What else…. Oh Shayden is now 2y/o! ‘Twas his birthday 2weeks ago. I’m a year old, myself, as of the w/end. Being 24 feels no different yet but if does make me think a lot.

My first day on my placement is today, in a few hours in fact. I have to be there for 2pm – I’m guessing it’s an intro considering I’m starting so late. Plus, he know that the latest I can work ’til is 5pm to be able to pick up Shay on time…

Anywhos, I’ve just done some cleaning and washing up, work clothes are currently in the dryer – I left it ’til this morning to do some washing and decide what I’m wearing (there’s the time management issue…) – spent some time adding to my music collection on iTunes then updated my mp3 player, and now to find something else to do. 🙂

I pray for wisdom in the decisions I make today; not to allow how I feel about anything at those moments to have authority over the truths I hold onto.

  1. Emma Parkes says:

    LOVE GEMMA and I am sooooo proud that despite everything you are just taking life by the horns and making it work for you. I know exactly what you mean when it comes to Shay, I have the same issue with Mayah I feel I spend so little quality time with her. But hey thats the life of a single, studying AND working mum, lets continue to find our strength in God and our support in one another. Heres to being Superwomen MWAH!

  2. sensico says:

    Gemma, I’ve always wanted to ask why it seems like your friends have a similar name to yours??

    Anyway, when my father was in military and my mom had to work I was left in daycare and with family. But I knew that it was necessary for her to work a lot to buy food and other stuff. Yet me and my mom remained best friends and I didn’t feel any less loved. Shay isn’t too young for you to teach him what adults need to do in order to give him a comfortable lifestyle, plus he’s the only child and us only childs grow up fast.

    Hope your career life works out, I have no idea what a PA was and to be honest I thought that had something to do with nursing lol

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